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Primary content


Fall in love and make this evening an even more special moment. In a romantic setting with shades of red, make the couple experience unforgettable with massages at Anantara Spa São Paulo. Give this as a gift and surprise who you love.

Surprise your loved one with a romantic decoration in the room, champagne, a box of roses, candles, a photo frame with a photo of the couple and fine sweets. The couple will also enjoy a 60-minute relaxing massage at the renowned Anantara Spa, and a dinner with a tasting menu at the SEEN restaurant, overlooking the São Paulo skyline. The romantic experience will continue to enchant until the next morning, with a delicious breakfast served in the room, for the couple's greatest comfort. 

Guarantee this unparalleled experience for your loved one now and create special memories that will last a lifetime. 


° Accommodation;
° 1 Champagne Perrier Jouet Grand Brut 750ml;
° Dinner with Tasting Menu at the SEEN restaurant (non-alcoholic drinks included) for 2 people at 7:30 pm;
° 60-minute body massage for two people at Anantara Spa São Paulo;
° Breakfast for 2 people in the apartment;
° Sweets by Chef Danilo Brasil;
° 1 box of red flowers
° 1 portrait frame with a personalized photo of the couple;
° LED candles;
° Space for 1 car;

Please inform your expected arrival time at least 36 hours in advance.

CHECK-IN 15:00
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen


  • It is necessary credit card or deposit to guarantee the booking;
  • Reservation only available 2 days in advance of the check-in date;
  • It is not possible to cancel or change the reservation, with a penalty of the full amount of the accommodation;
  • Prices per night and per room, for selected occupancy, valid at the time of booking; 
  • Does not include extra consumption and applicable local fees;
  • Excluded dates may apply;
  • It cannot be combined with other current offers or campaigns;
  • Please inform the expected arrival time at least 36 hours in advance;
  • Please inform your preferred time for body treatments to verify availability at least 72 hours in advance.