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Comunicado de prensa | 01 March 2019

Guilty by Olivier arrives at the Tivoli Oriente

Guilty by Olivier arrives at the Tivoli Oriente
Less Guilt, More Foodporn in Parque das Nações

Lisbon – March 2019 – The Tivoli Oriente Lisboa Hotel in Lisbon is delighted to announce that the renowned Guilty restaurant has launched at the hotel, now with a new signature, Less Guilt, More Foodporn. Matching Chefpreneur Olivier da Costa’s personality, Guilty is cosmopolitan, irreverent, modern and provocative.

The eastern area of Lisbon, Parque das Nações, is now home to one of Olivier’s most audacious and laid-back concepts. Located of the ground floor of the Tivoli Oriente, Guilty Oriente offers a hip lifestyle dining experience. Complete with DJ’s and a Sports Bar, the restaurant is ideal for the trendy diner.

The partnership between Olivier and the Tivoli Hotels & Resorts Group already goes back some years and has been highly successful, so it made total sense to bring the irreverence of Portuguese Chefpreneur to the Tivoli Oriente and Parque das Nações, an area normally labelled as a business centre. Guilty Oriente has arrived exactly to break this mould and bring a new rhythm to this end of town, which definitely has much more to offer. The people who work and live here now have a restaurant which serves provocative and fun food, and as to be expected , culinary creations you can’t say no to”, stated Rui de Sousa, General Manager of the Tivoli Oriente.

In line with the sister-space in the centre of town, the new restaurant marks the start of a new positioning by the brand. The new Guilty, which is ideal for both business and leisure diners, comprises modern and industrial inspired decoration, a casual atmosphere and a bold new menu.
The menu has all of the indulgences from Guilty’s original XXL dining concept. Start with Mexican Appeal Nachos, or the Texas Style Wings, before savouring satisfying pastas, such as Flirtatious Fettucine with suckling pig and peas to Lascivious, a pear and cheese Fagottini with Champagne sauce. Those up for a challenge can attempt the Shameless hamburger, comprising a 7oz patty, sitting between burrata, home-grown tomatoes, pesto and crispy pancetta. Pizza lovers will enjoy the Extravagant’s missed cheese and black truffle base, with the Exquisite Encounter salad, overflowing with grapes, strawberries, basil and tomato.

Those with a sweet tooth can finish the experience in style with a choice of seductive desserts. Naughty Nutella, a pizza with Nutella, Sweet Temptation, a pizza with marshmallows or Melted Indulgence, a petit gâteau with ice cream.
Guilty Parque das Nações is the most recent restaurant opening of Olivier in Lisbon, where he is renowned by the revolutionary dining concepts and trends he brought to the city, along 20 years of career.

Guilty restaurant – Tivoli Oriente:
Opening times:

  • From Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to 15:30 and 19:00 to 24:00
  • Friday and Saturday, 12:00 to 15:30 and 19:00 to 01:00

Telephone: +351 218 915 440
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Av. D. João II 27 1990-083 Lisbon
Instagram: Guilty_byolivier