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Comunicado de prensa | 14 July 2016


Inspired by authentic Thai cuisine, the Tivoli Victoria will be offering a new experience for the senses at its restaurants and bars with the Thai Food Festival, from 25 to 31 July. At the hands of award winning chef Adtavorn Charoonpontithi, the executive chef of the Anantara Sathorn Bangkok, visitors can enjoy a real journey around the flavours and culture of Thailand.

Developed in partnership with the international hotel chain Anantara Hotels & Resorts, the Thai Food Festival has a full programme with different dishes every day in the hotel's different restaurants and bars, from breakfast to dinner. In the Sensorial Restaurant, you can start your day with some more exotic tastes as there'll be a Thai corner for breakfast; at Bartini, in the lobby you'll be able to try Thai tapas washed down with traditional Thai beer – Singha – or a Thai rum cocktail, such as the classic Mekhong or the ever more popular Chalong Bay.

But the best is reserved for the evening. At dinner, in the EMO Restaurant, you can savour different delicious options from an a la carte menu or one of the tasting menus we'll have available. An opportunity to enjoy the flavours of contemporary Thai haute cuisine in the EMO's privileged setting with 180º panoramic views of the golf course fairways and lakes.

Also not to be missed is the Spice Spoon with Chef Adtavorn Charoonpontithi - much more than just a cooking lesson, this interactive session will offer exceptional insight into the foods of Thailand, famous the world over for their perfect balance between spicy, sweet and salty flavours. You'll also be party to some well-kept secrets about the benefits of the ingredients used in Thai food as well as learn about more traditional cooking techniques. The Spice Spoon especial at the Thai Food Festival will be on 28 July at 16:00 for a cost of €20 where you'll be taken on a step-by-step approach to learn the secrets of Thai cuisine in the preparation of a starter, main course and dessert.