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Comunicado de prensa | 30 July 2019

The Humpback whale season has officially started in the Brazilian Coast

From July to October, Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte in Bahia welcomes guests to enjoy an unforgettable Whale-watching Experience


Praia do Forte, Salvador, July 2019 –July marks the start of the most anticipated time of year in Brazil for admirers of the ocean’s giants. From now until October, the humpback whale moves to the warm waters of Bahia, where guests at Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte are able to come face to face with these magnificent creatures.


Endless coconut groves set against an emerald green sea with year-round warm waters and seven miles of white sand beaches that are hugged by coral reefs. This is the setting of Praia do Forte, which plays host to the Humpback whale during their annual migration.


Between July and October, the hotel organises whale watching excursions, arguably one of the most exciting experiences of the year. Watch in wonder as the humpback whale moves majestically through the waters, dancing and soaring above the waves, putting on unforgettable acrobatic displays. This epic migration sees more than nine thousand humpback whales venture from Antarctica to South America, in order to reproduce in the warm Brazilian waters.


Eager to bestow a combination of adventure and education, guests of Tivoli Ecoresort’s whale watching trips are accompanied by local biologists, who share their wealth of information on these beautiful mammals, whilst also growing their own dedicated research.


As part of its environmental sustainability strategy, Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte financially supports the Baleia Jubarte Institute, an organisation that promotes the study and protection of these mammals in various locations along the Brazilian coast and has one of its main headquarters in Praia do Forte.


At Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte, the concern for environmental sustainability has been present since the beginning. The hotel build itself occupies just 20% of the resort’s 300 thousand square meters, leaving the majority of land untouched and preserving the typical vegetation that makes Praia do Forte an ecological sanctuary. Many of the hotel’s employees are environmental educators who are on hand to educate guests about the importance of adopting environmentally friendly practices, especially with children. Other environmental focussed activities at the hotel include visits to the region's natural reserves, recycled paper workshop, the planting of seeds and many more.


Nightly rates at Tivoli Ecoresort Praia do Forte start from €310 for a double room on a half board basis. To book and find out more, please contact the hotel through phone: 55 (71) 3676 4000; email: [email protected] or visit