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Primary content


Estamos situados em Vila Nova de Gaia, do outro lado do rio em relação ao centro histórico do Porto. Anteriormente ocupada por armazéns de vinho do Porto, a zona agora é animada, com restaurantes elegantes, bares e museus ao longo do passeio junto ao rio.

O Tivoli Kopke Porto Gaia Hotel encontra-se a 35 minutos de automóvel do Aeroporto do Porto, com estacionamento disponível no hotel. Em alternativa, teremos o prazer de organizar um serviço de recolha em limusina.

Como Chegar

41.135197, -8.617475 Abrir o Google Maps Open Bing Map

Fale connosco

Envie a sua consulta através do formulário online abaixo e encaminharemos a sua questão para o departamento apropriado.

Contact us form
Também pode reservar a sua estadia através da nossa Central de Reservas


Address: 88 The Parq Building, 12th Fl. Ratchadaphisek Road, Klongtoey Subdistrict, Klongtoey District, Bangkok Metropolis 10110, Thailand.
B. Entity of Minor Hotels related to your stay or service provided. 
All these entities can be found on our full Privacy Statement.
Purpose 1. To manage communications, provide information and respond to general requests from users through the channels available for this purpose on the website or other Contact Us functions. 
2. To manage the booking or services request related to the reservations at the hotels. 
3. To receive feedback about the products and services provided.
Lawful Basis for processing 1. Consent.
2. Performance of the contract.
3. Legitimate interest.
RECIPIENTS 1. Entities of Minor Hotels, in order to obtain information related to your request.
2. Entities of Minor Hotels, in order to obtain the information related to your request (price, dates, services included, etc.), processing the feedback related to your stay, issue that may have occurred during your stay in such entities or for any other purpose as deemed necessary in relation to the communication received. 
3. Entity of Minor Hotels related to your stay or service provided. 
All these entities can be found on our full Privacy Statement.
RIGHTS Access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection to the processing and portability of the data.
ADDITIONAL PRIVACY INFORMATION Access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection to the processing and portability of the data. 
To learn more about our data protection practices please refer to the full Privacy Statement: https://www.anantara.com/en/privacy-statement

Your data will be processed outside of your country or region.

As a global hospitality company, we will transfer your personal information across multiple jurisdictions in order to perform our customer service obligations to you, such as the creation and management of reservations in our properties, in response to a contractual relationship between you and us, such as a hotel booking or service inquiries. By continuing, you agree to this data transfer. Minor Hotel Management (Shanghai) Limited will process and transfer your data in accordance with the Privacy Statement. If you do not agree to this data transfer, we cannot perform our customer service obligations and complete the reservation.